Tuesday 30 August 2011

Supercomix Superman 3

Thanks to Supercomix Collector Ravi for these great scans of the interior of Superman 3 of the South African reprint series.
Contact Me or Ravi if you have any Supercomix for sale:

Cover of Issue 3 and DC Comics' original cover of Action Comics 437 from 1974:

Competition Page encouraging readers to read Superman and Popeye:

Competition Winners Page and Linda Ronstadt Poster:
  House ads for Spiderman, Little Lotta and Popeye:
  See Also:
Supercomix Superman

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Supercomix Spiderman 3 (Second Series 1978)

Thanks to Supercomix Collector Ravi for these great scans of the interior of The Amazing Spiderman 3 (Second Series 1978) of the South African reprint series.
Contact Me or Ravi if you have any Supercomix for sale:

Cover of Issue 3 and Marvel Comics' original cover of The Amazing Spider-Man 121 from 1973:
Competition Winners Page and  House ad for Superman & Popeye::

Competition Pages encouraging Readers to read Richie-Rich and Spiderman:
Farrah Fawcett-Majors Poster:
See Also:
Supercomix Spiderman

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Supercomix Spiderman 2 (Second Series 1978)

Thanks to Supercomix Collector Ravi for these great scans of the interior of The Amazing Spiderman 2 (Second Series 1978) of the South African reprint series.
Contact Me or Ravi if you have any Supercomix for sale:

Cover of Issue 2 and Marvel Comics' orginal cover of The Amazing Spider-Man 120 from 1973:
Ad for Nesquik:

Competition Winners Page and ad for Nestle Extra:
 Competition pages encouraging readers to read Richie-Rich and Spiderman:
 Grace Jones Poster and ad for Cadbury's Flake:
See Also:
Supercomix Spiderman

Supercomix Superman 1

Thanks to Supercomix Collector Ravi for these great scans of the interior of Superman 1 of the South African reprint series.
Contact Me or Ravi if you have any Supercomix for sale:

Cover of Issue 1 and DC Comics' original cover of Action Comics 419 from 1972:
Competition Page encouraging readers to read Superman and Popeye:

 Ad for Hercules II Muscle Building Course and and ad for Pritt:
John Travolta Poster:
See Also:
Supercomix Superman

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Classic Zebra Publications and Atlas Publications Covers

Great set of Rare South African Comic Book covers from the Michigan State University Collection:

Mantelman 7 (1955) - Zebra Publications:
This issue's cover image is taken from the splash page of  the story "Public Enemy Bruce Wayne" from DC Comics's World's Finest Comics #57 from 1952:
Action Comics 4 (1959) - Atlas Publications (the cover corresponds to DC Comics' Action Comics 254):
Action Comics 7 (1959) - Atlas Publications (the cover corresponds to DC Comics' Action Comics 258):
See Also:
Zebra Publications
Atlas Publications

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Supercomix Spiderman 1 (Second Series 1978)

Thanks to Supercomix Collector Ravi for these great scans of the interior of The Amazing Spiderman 1 (Second Series 1978) of the South African reprint series.
Contact Me or Ravi if you have any Supercomix for sale:

Cover of Issue 1 and Marvel Comics' original cover of The Amazing Spider-Man 119 from 1973:
Inside Cover ad for Nestle Instant Hot Chocolate and Debbie Boone Poster:
 Supercomix Competition Ad and Entry form with questions from Spiderman and Richie Rich:
 House ad for Superman and Popeye & Back cover Milo ad:
See Also:
Supercomix Spiderman

Thursday 4 August 2011

South African Western Comics

Thanks Mahdi from Readers Den (Cape Town) for these scans of South African Western Comics.
Visit their website:
Readers Den Comic Shop
Atlas Publication's from the 1960s: Zane Grey's Stories of the West 2 & 4:
 Republican Press Famous Westerns 7 & 15:
 Back Cover retro ad for Silver Radios:

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Supercomix Spiderman 2 & 3 (First Series 1976)

Thanks to Supercomix Collector Ravi for these great scans of the interior of The Amazing Spiderman 2 & 3 (First Series 1976) of the South African reprint series.
Contact Me or Ravi if you have any Supercomix for sale:

Cover of Issue 2 and Marvel Comics' original cover of The Amazing Spider-man 117 from 1973:
Ad for Bambi Play Suits:
Cover of issue 3 and Marvel Comics' original cover of The Amazing Spider-Man 118 from 1973:
Ad for DHC Phantom Cycles (Frikkie Frog comic strip):

Competition Winners Page:
Ad for Supercomix Competition and Captain Lifesaver comic strip ad for Lifesavers:
 Vaseline ad:
Inside back cover ad for Scalextric (Tri-ang):
Back Cover ad for Groovy Soft Drinks:
See Also: