Monday, 30 May 2011

Supercomix Superman

Thanks to Supercomix Collector Ravi for these great scans of the Superman titles in the South African reprint series of the 70's & 80's.
Contact Ravi if you have any Supercomix for sale:

Thanks Mahdi from Readers Den (Cape Town) for the scans of Superman 6,7,9,12,15,16,17,26,28,29 and 33.

Visit their website:
Readers Den Comic Shop

Here are a range of covers scans. The original DC covers are included in brackets.

Supercomix Superman 1 (Action Comics  419); 2 (Action Comics 449); 3 (Action Comics 437); 4 (Superman 309); 5 (Superman 300); 6 (Superman 301); 7 (Superman 277); 8 (Superman 285); 9 (Superman 314); 10 (Action Comics 443); 11; (Action Comics 462); 12 (Action Comics 463); 13 (Superman 310); 14 (Action Comics 470); 15 (Action Comics 484); 16 (Superman 261); 17 (Superman 315); 18 (Superman 316); 19 (Superman 317); 20 (Superman 319); 21 (Superman 320); 22 (Superman 321); 23 (Superman 322); 24 (Action Comics 458); 25 (Superman 330); 26 (Superman 331); 27 (Superman 333); 28 (Superman 335); 29 (Superman 338); 30 (Action Comics 493); 31 (Action Comics 494); 32 (Action Comics 495); 33 (Superman 332); 34 (Superman 376); 35 (Action Comics 524); 36 (Superman 381); 37 (Superman 352); 38 (Superman 353); 39 (Superman 354); 40 (Superman 355); 41 (Superman 356); 42 (Superman 314).


See Also:

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