Friday, 30 September 2011

Mimosa Action Comics 1 Giant Edition

Thanks to Anthony for these great scans of this SA Mimosa reprint comic from 1962.
The cover corresponds to DC Comics' Action Comics #266.

Buzzy says: "Free Speech--Free For All!"
Superman: "The Captive of the Amazons" (Action Comics #266)
Supergirl: "The worlds mightiest Cat!" (Action Comics #266)
Jerry the Jitterbug
Little Pete
Tommy Tomorrow: "The trial of Tommy Tomorrow" (Action Comics #240)
Giants of the telescope
Superman: "Secret of the superman sphinx" (Action Comics #240)
Jerry the jitterbug

Front and Back Covers (Retro ad fro Jaxon Lads):
Here is DC's original cover for comparison:
See Also:


  1. Do you know anyone that is selling the Zebra Action Comics #1 and the Atlas Action Comics #1, Depending on the price I would be very interested. Also currently looking for the American Action Comics #1 Reprint featuring the Superman Peanut Butter ad on the back cover. Let me know if you are interested in the Front and Back Scans of the American Reprints of Action Comics #1.

  2. Hey it's me Anthony, I have a new email address,

  3. Hello, Just wanted to let you know that I have started a Facebook Page for Comic Book Collectors to share their collections and stories about comic books. I am also going to be uploading my own cover images of my collections and wanted to invite you to share this info with your readers. Once again thank you for all your help with the info on the South Africa Action Comics #1. my page is at:

  4. Any news on anyone wanting to sell the other South African Action Comics #1 versions?
