Tuesday 15 May 2012

Mimosa Mystery in Space 1

This is Mystery in Space 1, published by Mimosa (SA Magazine Co) +/- 1959.
It reprints the cover and the following 2 stories from DC Comics' Mystery in Space 46 (1958):
"Mystery of the Moon Sniper!"
"The Devil's island of Space!"
24 pages, full-colour, newsprint stock cover and interior pages.

Here is the cover of issue 1 and DC Comics' original cover:
Ad for "Silly Phrase" Competition and House ad featuring the 7 titles published by Mimosa in this series (Western Comics, Tales of the Unexpected, Falling in Love, Mystery in Space, Romances, Batman and All-Star Western):
Last page with subscription ad and ad for Humber Bicycles (each page of the comic has a similar size ad at the bottom) and Letters Page:
 Back cover retro ad for Chappies Bubble Gum:
See Also:

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