Tuesday 22 January 2013

Mimosa Superman 3 Giant Edition in Afrikaans

Mimosa Comics produced numerous reprints of DC Comics' Action Comics and Superman titles in the late 1950's and early 1960's. Some were translated into Afrikaans. The Afrikaans translation was excellent.

This is Mimosa Comics' Superman 3 Giant Edition. Colour Cover, black-and-white interior pages, 48 pages. Many thanks to Cal van Winkel for the pictures.

Cover of Issue 3 from 1962 and DC Comics' original cover of Action Comics 267 from June 1960:
 Splash pages from Superman & Jimmy Olsen stories:
 Lois Lane splash page and Back cover:
 See Also:
Mimosa Superman 4 Giant Edition in Afrikaans
Mimosa Comics


  1. good day, I am trying to get some kind of value, if any to my pride of collection. Superman no1 Afrikaans version. It is in good condition, not perfect. Is this rare or commin?
    young designer

    1. Hi
      Thanks for getting in touch, via my blog - I am more than happy to help - please get in touch via my e-mail at:

    2. thank you for the response George.
      I am happy to reply to your e-mail address later today.
      I do collect comics among other collectible interests and find your blog very interesting. Will like to talk about this as soon as possible
      young designer
