Tuesday 31 March 2015

Atlas Publications Adventure Comics Digest 5

This rare South African reprint was published in 1961 by Atlas Publications (S.A. Magazine Co.).
Glossy Cover and Newsprint Interior pages, all colour.
These titles were printed in a smaller size (164x114mm) compared to the original DC Comics title.
The printing reproduction from the original was very good quality. This issue is only 24 pages.

Cover of Adventure Comics 5 South African Edition and DC Comics' original cover of Adventure Comics 271 (1960):
See Also:
Atlas Publications

Mimosa All-Star Western 7

This is All-Star Western 7, published by Mimosa (SA Magazine Co) in 1960.
It reprints the cover  and both stories from from DC Comics' All-Star Western 108 (1959):
Johnny Thunder: "The Origin of Johnny Thunder"(pages 7-16 only reprinted)
Trigger Twins: "Sheriff Trigger's Lucky Streak"
24 pages, full-colour, newsprint stock cover and interior pages.
These titles were printed in a smaller size (255x170mm) compared to the original DC Comics title.
This is one of the seven first titles that Mimosa started reprinting in 1959 (Western Comics, Tales of the Unexpected, Falling in Love, Mystery in Space, Romances, Batman and All-Star Western).

Here is the cover of issue 7 and DC Comics' original cover:
See Also:
Mimosa All Star Western Series
Mimosa Comics

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Supercomix Superman 9

This is Supercomix Superman 9, published by Republican Press in 1980.

Cover of issue 9 and DC Comics' original cover of Superman 314 from 1977:
 Competition Prize Winners:
 The Rollers Poster:
See Also:
Supercomix Superman

Photo Story Magazines - Izithombe

Thanks Hayley for this news.

Photo Story collectors are excited to see the return of Photo Story Magazines to newstand shelves in 2015. It is on sale at Spar and Boxer stores.

Cover of issue 1:
See Also:
Photo Story Magazines

Thursday 19 March 2015

Classics Illustrated (South African Edition)

Many thanks to Pieter for these Cover Images.

Northern Cape Printers (Kimberley) reprinted the Gilberton (1947) Classics Illustrated series. If anyone knows how many of Gilberton's issues were reprinted, let me know. No date on these issues - but likely to be late 1960s/early 1970s.

Cover images for South African Editions 6; 10; 12; 29; 54; 62; 69; 70; 78; 83; 90; 91; 100:

Inside Front Cover showing Indicia:
Inside Back Cover, and Back Cover images are the same on each issue:

See Also:
Beroemde Verhale

Zebra Publications Mantelman Strokiesverhale 2

South African Comic Books is Four Years Old!

Blog Post 400 today ... thanks to everyone who has contributed in the last 12 months ... to have made this blog such a success!

Zebra Publications were the first to reprint DC Comics in 1954.
The English Titles were: Action Comics, Superman & World's Finest Comics
The Afrikaans translations were issued as " 'n Sebra Uitgawe ":  Mantelman (Batman) and Kongo Koot (Congo Bill).

This is Mantelman 2 from 1954. The cover image is taken from the splash page of the first story. The story locations are changed, taking place in South Africa. The alter ego names are changed to Afrikaans names:
Batman (Joos Storm)
Robbie die Wonderkind (Jan Tyssen)
Green Arrow (Jan Olivier)
Speedy (Gys Roux)

It reprints and translates the following stories:
Mantelman: "4 Moordenaars teen Toeval!" = Batman: "4 Killers against Fate" from World's Finest Comics 40 (1949)
Die Groen Pyl: "'n Dag in die lewe van Robin Hood!" = Green Arrow: "A Day in the Life of Robin Hood"  from World's Finest Comics 40 (1949)

Glossy colour cover, 24 pages black-and-white interior. 

Cover of Mantelman 2 and original splash page used for the cover image:
 DC Comics' original cover of World's Finest Comics 40 (1949):
See Also:
Zebra Publications