Thursday 19 March 2015

Classics Illustrated (South African Edition)

Many thanks to Pieter for these Cover Images.

Northern Cape Printers (Kimberley) reprinted the Gilberton (1947) Classics Illustrated series. If anyone knows how many of Gilberton's issues were reprinted, let me know. No date on these issues - but likely to be late 1960s/early 1970s.

Cover images for South African Editions 6; 10; 12; 29; 54; 62; 69; 70; 78; 83; 90; 91; 100:

Inside Front Cover showing Indicia:
Inside Back Cover, and Back Cover images are the same on each issue:

See Also:
Beroemde Verhale


  1. Hi George. I have over a hundred of these. I think they probably printed the entire run.

  2. Good day. I have The Superheroes swop sensation official souvenir album 1982 Colin Penn. In fair condition with all the cards except the joker. I would like to get offer.
