Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Photo Story Magazines 11

Many Thanks to Alison, from The National Library of Australia for these images from the Classic Nagvalk Photo Story Magazine:

See also Alison's review of Mark Condor 10, from their archive:

Nagvalk is very much inspired by cowled heroes such as Batman - which also reminds me of Swart Adelaar:

Many Thanks to Photo Story Collector Koos Papenfus for his summary of Photo Story Titles and genres. Contact Koos at:


Photo Story Magazine circulation reached 180000 for some issues, and were mostly published in English or Afrikaans. Kyk (See) appeared in April 1960, and over 350 different titles were produced over three decades. Series runs varied form single issues like MAN UIT DIE RUIMTE (Man from Outer Space) and the popular RUITER IN SWART (Rider for justice) which ran for 491 issues.  Some Italian photonovelas were translated into Afrikaans and English (AKSIE en LIEFDE – Action and Love, and JACQUES DU PRE spy series).

These were some of the genres:

1.     Love stories:  WARE LIEFDE (True Love), LOVE STORY (English only), GESTEELDE LIEFDE (Stolen Love), DARLING and KISS (Same titles as in Europe), EERSTE LIEFDE (First Love), FOTO LIEFDE (Photo Love), ENDLESS LOVE, LOVE AFFAIR and many more.

2.     Family or other dramas: VERDWAALDE HARTE (Lost Hearts), SKOOLHOOF (School Principal), ADVOKAAT (Advocate), GEHEIM (Secrets), etc.

3.     Children’s Series:  BILLY, SAARTJIE, TROMPIE, BENDE 3½ (Gang 3½ - 3 boys and a girl). Trompie was also published in book form, reprinted endless times, and became a popular TV series.

4.     Cowboy/Western:  KID COLT, WILDE WESTE (Wild West), The evergreen FAMOUS WESTERNS based on American spaghetti westerns and the great John Wayne specials, MANHUNTER, REX BULLITT, MAN SONDER NAAM (Man with no name) and the South-African based “westerns” based on the gold and diamond rushes 1880-1900. RUITER IN SWART , REX BULLITT BOUNTY HUNTER, JIM ROARK the GOLDEN GUN, MAN SONDER NAAM (Man with no Name) and SKRIKRUITER (Fright rider?) written and acted by Leon Mallet who reached the rank of Lieutenant General in the old SA Police. SWART LUIPERD (Black Leopard). The printed books were as popular and are great collector’s items.

5.     Detective stories: MARK CONDOR (appeared in English and Afrikaans), SCOOP (Newspaper stories), TRUE SA POLICE STORIES, VICE SQUAD, etc.

6.     Tarzan or jungle hero type stories: TARKA, TORAK, AREND VAN OERWOUD (Eagle of the jungle), WIT TIER (White Tiger).

7.     Lady Detectives: TESSA (English), and ZELNA DIA (English and Afrikaans).

8.     Bikers:  BRUTE IRON, BIG IRON (Acted by biker Des Gayle) and WILD CAT the hell rider. All those featuring great biking stunts.

9.     The Masked Heroes: NAGVALK (Nighthawk), NAGAREND (Night Eagle), YSTERVUIS (Iron Fist), etc.

10.  War stories:  GRENSVEGTER (Border Fighter), based on the SA war in Angola and NAGLEGIOEN (Night Legion) - Major Franz von Holstein and his mercenaries fighting wars all over the globe.

11.  Doctor and Hospital stories:  Dr CONRAD BRAND (The most popular), Dr LEN BEYERS, Dr MARSHALL KIRK, SAAL 10 ONGEVALLE (Ward 10 Trauma), SISTER THERESA (portrayed by Shirley van der Linde, former miss South-Africa at the time), HOSPITAAL (Hospital), Dr LYDIA, etc.

12.  Horror:  RILLER (Horror), SPOOKSTORIES (Ghost Stories), HORROR (English), OUTRAGE, etc.

13.  Spy thrillers in the best Bond tradition: OLAF BOUWER (Popular as comic and book – similar to “Our Man Flint”), ROOI MAJOOR (Red Major) - portrayed by Beau Brummell. MARKUS TREDOUX, SPY X-O-3, etc.

14.  African:  TRUE AFRICA, CHUNKIE, SHE (The lady with the magic knife), SON OF SAMSON (The bulletproof black South African Superman) and BIG BEN OF LONDON.

15.  Mafia:  EXECUTIONER – MACK BOLAN - Written by Reg Auispias, the stories are a mix of American Mafia stories from the forties to the seventies. SAVAGE EX MAFIA, SLAUGHTER and PLAYBOY.

 See Also:


  1. Thanks Koos- Here are a few more titles:-

    SABOTEUR, ZARBA, TAKOEZA,SPACE PIRATE, CONTRABAND, CONRAD VOLTA,MASK (with spy Rex Foster),BEAU-THE UNTAMED,SON OF MARK CONDOR and two other African books - SHE & THE SPEAR (with detective Lance Spearman)

    1. Hi - Very interesting - I have managed to get copies of most photobooks or at least covers. I would love cover s for Space Pirate and Contraband if someone can help my email is 27796243341@vodamail.co za. Collecting covers is as interesting as the books itself

  2. anyone remembers Modest Jane African lady detective series.

    1. Modest Jane Adventure no.18 Treacherous diversion with Susan Slade as Modest Jane

    2. Susan Slade was involved in a kidnapping case,any other adventures involving Susan Slade,any Modest Jne books for sale.

    3. Hi, I would like a cover pic of the books if you can help - Koos - 27796243341@vodamail.co.za

  3. I was one of the first photo models in 1960 in the earliest Photo comic in Cape Town, I played the major female role and appeared in just about every frame in KYK. My name then was Ray Madeline Silvester. If you have a copy available you will see my name in the credits. I don't have a copy myself but would love to see one again.

    I am writing a short story at the moment about my time living in Capetown which will be published in january 2018 and Part of my story is writing about my time modelling for the photo comic book Kyk. I would love to reach out to anyone involved in the production. It could make an interesting news item for your curent editions.

  4. I would love to lay my hands on She,Dr Konrad and Vice squad. mokhelemp@gmail.com. +26658449294 with WhatsApp

  5. I'm looking for "See" photo story magazine 1970 Durban
