Tuesday 9 August 2016

Photo Story Magazines 12

Many Thanks to Alison, from The National Library of Australia for these images from the Classic "The Man Called Curtis" Photo Story Magazine:
Further Information of this issue can be found here:

Many Thanks to Photo Story Collector Koos Papenfus for background information and Images from Key Photo Stories:

1. Beverly Peirce also wrote "Call for Matthew Craig" starring legendary South African Actor Brian O'Shaughnessy

2. Key Photo Stories were also distributed in the UK

3. Other Titles: "Lilac Street"; "World of IDB; "Cat Moran"; "Kilroy"

4. Key Photo Stories published some of the very earliest South African Photo Stories in the early 1960s

Call for Matthew Craig 5 and House Ad for Cat Moran:
See Also:
Photo Story Magazines

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