Saturday, 17 March 2018

Zebra Publications Mantelman Strokiesverhale 5

South African Comic Books is Seven Years Old!

Blog Post 700 today ... thanks to everyone who has contributed in the last 12 months ... to have made this blog such a success!

Zebra Publications were the first to reprint DC Comics in 1954.
The English Titles were: Action Comics, Superman & World's Finest Comics
The Afrikaans translations were issued as " 'n Sebra Uitgawe ":  Mantelman (Batman) and Kongo Koot (Congo Bill).

This is Mantelman 5 from 1955. The cover image is taken from the splash page of the first story. The alter ego names are changed to Afrikaans names:
Batman (Joos Storm)
Robbie die Wonderkind (Jan Tyssen)
Green Arrow (Jan Olivier)
Speedy (Gys Roux)

It reprints and translates the following stories:
Mantelman met Robbie Die Wonderkind: "Die Miljoen Dollar Klub!" = Batman & Robin: "The 1,000,000 Star Club" from World's Finest Comics 52 (1951)
Die Groen Pyl: "'n Swaard, 'n Geweer en 'n Pyl en Boog!" = Green Arrow: "A Sword, a Rifle and a Bow!"  from World's Finest Comics 52 (1951)

Glossy colour cover, 24 pages black-and-white interior.

Cover of Mantelman 5 and original splash page used for the cover image:
 DC Comics' original cover of World's Finest Comics 52 (1951):
See Also:
Zebra Publications


  1. Your blog is mind-blowing.

    I kept all my comics and still have 105 of them, but I gave all my "boekies" away. I never thought there would come a time when one couldn't buy them. In those years those "boekies" were not worth a lot and were lying around everywhere. Now it is almost as if they never existed. And I must say I miss them.

    Your blog is now the only connection I have with those "boekies".

    Have you by any chance any copies or photos of OERWOUD VALK? He was an alien with a bird face who came to visit earth. He shot lazer beams from his eyes when he was forced to fight. It came out in the early seventies.

    1. Hi Brad
      Oerwoud Valk was a Photo Story Magazine. I don't have any copies - but my pals might have. e-mail me at

  2. ...thanks for the reply, George. I don't want to buy any, because then I will want to buy all of them in the end. I just thought if you could get your hands on some photos and publish them some time. Keep up the good work...
