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Sunday, 9 September 2012

Photo Story Magazines - Ruiter in Swart

Many Thanks to Sven Barsby for this article on the Ruiter in Swart Series and the NEW LIVE-ACTION DVD - which is sure to be popular amongst fans of this classic series:

Ruiter in Swart was one of the first Photo Story Magazines published by Republican Press, first appearing in 1966, just after Kyk/See, Mark Condor and Dr Conrad Brand. Arguably the most popular "cowboy" photo story ever published, the story features the character Ben in the Lowveld of the 1880s. After his son is kidnapped, he makes it his life's ambition to root out all evil and find his son. When the series ended with issue no 491 (after a run of 17 years), all Ben's attempts to find his son had been unsuccessful. The role of Ben, Ruiter in Swart, was played by Vonk de Ridder, an established actor at the time with films such as "Voor Sononder" and "Kimberley Jim" with Jim Reeves, to his credit. 

Cover images of issues no 1, 15, 119 and 400:

Owing to popular demand, Ruiter in Swart Productions has brought this Classic South African fiction hero back, producing a film in 2012. 
Vonk de Ridder reprises the role of Ruiter in Swart, almost 30 years since the last issue saw print. 
In this new film Ben is retired from the ZARP (Zuid Afrikaanse Republiek Polisie), but when he is called on to assist in apprehending cattle thieves, possibly led by his long-lost son Eben, he has no hesitation in donning his famous black outfit, strapping on his gun belt and setting out on his black stallion to pursue the criminals. Production of the film "Ruiter in Swart" was completed in August 2012 and the DVD is now available for purchase to the general public. The DVD will not be distributed commercially.

A True South African Legend - come to life! Order your copy today!

Cover of the DVD:
To order this DVD, contact:
Altus van Wyk, cell no 0732483104
The length of the film is 60 minutes, and the cost R100.00 plus postage

See Also:


  1. Hermann Painczyk8 October 2016 at 07:45

    Remember the picture books of the 60's and 70's at 20 to 30 cents. Cost for the new picture book is R50, although Bargain Books is selling at R20. Got my copy yesterday. 07102016. Hermann

  2. Who was the creator of the caracter's Vonk de Ridder, Ben Brandt, Tabaka end the title Ruiter in Swart?

  3. Who was the creator of the caracter's Vonk de Ridder, Ben Brandt, Tabaka end the title Ruiter in Swart?

  4. Is the DVD mentioned above still available? I do not get any reply from the given mobile number. Please advise.
    A.J. van Eck

  5. Jerry Rautenbach24 August 2019 at 20:13

    Hlo is it possible to get some of the books like ruiter in swart,kid die swerwer,die wit tier.

    1. My dad Walter Roberts acted in one of the books, but I can't remember the name. He was a ladies man in the books and always wore a suite. I was very young then

  6. Don't you have agents for the ruiter in swart books in Namibia?

  7. I have Ruiter in swart & Kid die swerwer vol 44.
    Don't know when was published if you can help.
    Thanks Herbie 0792161649

  8. I've got a book Ruiter in Swart.
    Vol 44. I would like to know what's it worth. And if anyone interested in it.

  9. I would like to buy the ruiter in swart series books if possible who can help me with it

    1. I would like to buy these books

    2. Would like to have these comics please help

  10. I modelled in Rioters en Ewart in 1968. Selfs Die Aavoels SWYG was the title of the book. Is there anyway I can buy a copy of this book.
    Kind regards

  11. Sorry should read
    Ruiter en Swart

  12. I have a lot of these books for sale

    1. Sir..I'm residing in Namibia and what is the price

  13. Books of ruiter and swart for sale contact me on 0711459940

  14. I have books for sale ruiter en swart . Saal 10 en conrad brand 0711459940
