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Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Supercomix Star Wars

This is Supercomix Star Wars, published by Republican Press in 1977, who had started publishing Marvel Comics reprints in 1976.

This reprint has a few unique features:
R1,50 was a lot of pocket money in 1977!
Square bound 116 pages, it feels like a trade-paperback/graphic novel
It reprints the full film-adaptation story from Marvel Comics' Star Wars 1-6 (1977)

Cover of Supercomix Star Wars and Marvel Comic's original cover:
 Ads for Woppa and Tiger Squadron:
 Ads For Radio 5 and the film:
 Ad for Pritt:
See Also:


  1. Darn it George! Your supposed to let me know when stuff like this pops up! LOL Or maybe I need to make sure I am subscribed to your blog. Amazing.... This book really makes us foreign Star Wars collectors drop a load in our pants. Hey, can we at FCC use this scan for our database? Thanks....

  2. I still have this comic book. I also have The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi in book size comic.

    1. If you are ever willing to sell I am looking for this comic book

    2. I need to know the month this book came out. Was it actually 1977 or 1978?
